Group Activity at last year's SciCom Luxembourg event.

SciCom Luxembourg is an annual networking event, organised by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), for science communicators from Luxembourg and surroundings with the goal to keep in touch, get to know each other and be inspired.

Register here before Monday, 18 September, 10 A.M. 


ChouChou Luxembourg
41, rue de Bouillon L-1248 Luxembourg


12H00 | Bits & Bites Networking – Let’s eat and meet
13H00 | Official Start – Let’s set the stage
13H15 | Keynote Talk – Let’s get inspired by Andy Miah
14H15 | Work & Learn – Let’s figure this out together
16H15 | Group Activity – Let’s solve fun challenges
17H00 | Conclusion & Feedback – Let’s wrap this up
17H30 | Networking Cocktail – Let’s celebrate and talk
21H00 | Official End – Let’s say a temporary goodbye

Note: For networking opportunities, please make sure to come to the Bits & Bites Networking and the Networking Cocktail.

More information

You’re not sure whether you can participate, but you want to be kept in the loop for any further information about the event?
Please email melanie.reuter@fnr.lu to get on the mailing list.

In an exciting leap forward for SciCom Luxembourg, this year's science communicator networking event is taking on a fresh visual identity. Introducing our new logo and captivating background visuals created by Studio Polenta.

Author: FNR
Editor: Melanie Reuter (FNR)

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