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TEDx & University of Luxembourg

This year's TEDxUniversityofLuxembourg event will be part of the global COUNTDOWN initiative launched by TED and Future Stewards to tackle the climate crisis.

The goal of the University of Luxembourg'sTEDx event will be to identify compelling responses to the following questions:

  • Power: How rapidly can we move to 100% clean energy?
  • Built environment: How can we re-engineer the stuff that surrounds us?
  • Transport: How do we transform the ways we move?
  • Food: How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems?
  • Nature: How extensively can we re-green the earth?
  • Finance: How do we finance the transition towards a sustainable future?
  • Motivation: How do we motivate people to change their everyday behaviours?

The University of Luxembourg will be hosting 5 ONLINE EVENING SESSIONS (starting at 18:30 each day) with original talks and performances during the week of 12-16 October 2020.

For more information on the programme, speakers and performers please visit the TEDxUniversityofLuxembourg website.

This year's TEDxUniversityofLuxembourg event will be part of the global COUNTDOWN initiative launched by TED and Future Stewards to tackle the climate crisis, and is complementary to TED’s own online COUNTDOWN event on 10 October 2020.


In these challenging times we want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend our event. Therefore, this year's TEDx edition is FREE of charge. However, if you can spare a dime, you are welcome to select the Pay-what-you-can Ticket and support our event with a donation of your choice. All donations will be used to offset some of the carbon emissions that were inevitably caused by our event.

What do I get ?

You will get exclusive access to original talks about climate change and learn about solutions we can, individually and collectively, deploy to create a cleaner and fairer world for everyone. You will also have the pleasure to enjoy performances by musical artists that we curated for this special occasion. Moreover, you will be able to (virtually) meet other people who care about climate change and wish to take action too and have the opportunity to chat with our speakers and performers.

As a token of appreciation each attendee will receive a digital goody to support local and sustainable businesses.


Q: Do I need to register for each of the 5 sessions separately?
A: No, you only have to register once and can attend individual sessions or all 5 of them.

Q: How do I access the event?
A: The event will be hosted online. You will receive additional information on the platform and how to access the event in due course.

Q: Can I contact the organisers if I have a question?
A: Yes, please send an email to tedx@uni.lu.

Author: University of Luxembourg

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