People can sometimes have different views on how they perceive science and research in Luxembourg. How does research in Luxembourg looks like for you? The University of Luxembourg and the asbl "D’Frënn vun der 9. Konscht" invite you to participate in the Science Drawing Competition.
Who can participate?
All persons between 12 and 18 years of age can participate. In case you are under 18 years of age, the parental consent is mandatory.
Can I win something?
Yes! The winners will be invited to a one-day drawing workshop with Andy Genen, Sabrina Kaufmann or Antoine Grimée, three comic artists from Luxembourg. The workshop will take place on site in Luxembourg with security measures in place due to the pandemic.
How can I participate?
- Register on the following website for the competition: http://ulsurvey.uni.lu/index.php/962917?lang=en
- Draw something related to the topic “How does research in Luxembourg look like?”. Any kind of drawing (color or black and white, watercolors, pencils, aquarelle etc.), in any kind of style (full comic or just objects, persons etc.) with any kind of medium (digital or analog) is possible, as long as it:
- fits on one page (any size),
- is drawn by you
- and is related to the topic.
- Submit your drawing to the organizer either via e-mail (descom@uni.lu) or via post (Université du Luxembourg; DESCOM; Belval Campus, Maison du Nombre; 6, avenue de la Fonte; L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette) until 30 May 2021 the very latest.
If you are under 18 years of age, please don’t forget to send us the duly filled and signed consent form as well: https://dropit.uni.lu/invitations?share=1eefe84a816da40b612b&dl=0 - Post your drawing on social media using #SciLuxComic if you want.
Terms & Conditions
You can find the Terms & Conditions of the competition here:
Author: DESCOM, University of Luxembourg
Editor: Melanie Reuter (FNR)