Fast Forward Science
A passion for research, for innovative multimedia formats and for communication – the Fast Forward Science competition celebrates not only people who are passionate about science, but also those who can inspire that passion in others.
Who can participate?
- students,
- postdocs,
- vloggers,
- communicators and
- anyone who is enthusiastic about science and research!
What content can be submitted?
YouTube videos, Instagram stories or Twitch stream - Awards will be given to contributions that show current research, are presented in a comprehensible and target-group-oriented way, and evoke the so-called “aha” effect. A particular challenge is that the contributions should be entertaining beyond the hard facts and ideally manage to engage in a dialogue with the viewers.
Entries must have appeared on a social media platform between 27 July 2020 and 8 February 2022 and be publicly accessible via a link. Find the terms of participation here.
Please note that the content needs to be in German or in English with German subtitles.
SUBMIT HERE before 8 February 2022
What categories and prizes are there?
You can submit your entry in the three main categories:
- Young Scientist Award
- Scientist & Research Institution Award
- Tandem Award
First place winners will each receive 3000 €, second place winners 2000 € and third place winners 1000 €.
There are also two special prizes, which celebrate other scientific online formats:
- Open Box Special
- Audio Special
In addition, the Short & Crisp Award honours non-German-language videos and is awarded in conjunction with the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival.
For the special awards, only the first-place winners will receive a prize money of 1000 €, for Short & Crisp it is 3000 €.
Find more information on https://fastforwardscience.de/en/, on their @FastForwardScience Instagram account
or on their @ffforwardscience Twitter account:
+++Noch 4 Wochen bis zur Deadline+++
— Fast Forward Science (@fforwardscience) January 12, 2022
Auf eurem Account dreht sich alles nur um Wissenschaft? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig! Lernt auf https://t.co/6OBjXAkHOO den Wettbewerb kennen, reicht bis zu 3 Beiträge ein und gewinnt bis zu 3.000 €! Deadline: 8.2.22 #FFSci pic.twitter.com/pw70NBJz2F
As a partner of the Fast Forward Science Contest, we hope for many Luxembourgish participations, and wish you good luck!
Author: Wissenschaft im Dialog, Fast Forward Science
Editor: Melanie Reuter (FNR)
The Fast Forward Science online competition, which is equipped with a total of €23,000, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband and has taken place annually since 2013. The partner for the Young Scientist Award is the Deutscher Zukunftspreis. The Short & Crisp Award is an award in partnership between the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival and Fast Forward Science.
The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) supports the competition.