Scienteens Academy

University of Luxembourg, LCSB, Scienteens Lab

each of the 16 high-school students who participated in the Scienteens Academy received a certificate of achievement after completing this summer interdisciplinary workshop!

The Scienteens Academy focuses on Systems Biology, a discipline aiming at understanding the complexity of living organisms. This five-day workshop combines lectures and practical work in biology, mathematics and computer science.

The participants of the 2019 English edition had the opportunity to experiment in a laboratory, to develop skills in modelling and run computer simulations. They spent the past week with the Scienteens Lab team to study the growth behaviour and the enzyme activity of the bacterium Escherichia coli.

The students collected information in the lab, using techniques such as cell culture, spectrophotometry and quantitative analysis of enzymatic reactions. They then analysed their data. To conclude the week, the budding researchers made predictions based on their results and went back to the lab to test their own hypothesis.

As the Scienteens Academy received the support of the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg, on top of the scientific activities, the students also had the opportunity to learn more about studying in the United States.

From 9 to 13 September, the Scienteens Lab will organise a second session of the Scienteens Academy. This time the workshop will be conducted in German and registrations are still open.

You like biology and you are curious about scientific research? You enjoy experimenting in the lab? You want to discover computer modelling?

Join the Scienteens Academy!

Fill in the online registration form to apply for the German workshop.

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