David Kieffer, Max Greisen, Mila Marinova, Philip Goergen

The video “Sam the Alien - The nonverbal assessment of mathematic” was produced by a group of participants from the two-day Webvideo Hackathon workshop, held in May 2019.

The workshop was organised by the FNR in collaboration with Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Fast Forward Science competition. The goal of this workshop was it to show how YouTube videos can be used to communicate science. 30 science communicators, researchers and students took part in the workshop.

This video tells the story of Sam, an alien, and her struggle to learn mathematics in a multilingual context. Max, a researcher at the University of Luxembourg developed a method, that might help Sam…

Video produced by

  • David Kieffer, University of Luxembourg, Scienteens Lab
  • Max Greisen, University of Luxembourg
  • Mila Marinova, KU Leuven Belgium, University of Luxembourg
  • Philip Goergen, University of Luxembourg, Scienteens Lab

This video was submitted to the Fast Forward Science Contest 2019.

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