SciTeach team members

SciTeach Center (Universität Luxemburg)

Mitarbeiter des SciTeach Centers auf Campus Belval

Primary school teachers and educators alike find inspiration, support and material for their science teaching at the SciTeach Center on Campus Belval. 

The SciTeach Center at the University of Luxembourg invites all teachers and educators to Belval for a new monthly event: Science on Tuesdays. 

Luxembourg teachers, educators, and teacher educators are invited to drop by on the first Tuesday of each month between 2 PM and 5 PM to visit with science education experts who will be available to provide cutting edge ideas, resources, and support for primary science instruction. 
Science on Tuesdays provides teachers and educators with an opportunity to receive inspiration for their science teaching in an informal setting. They can discuss their ideas and lesson plans with the staff of the SciTeach Center and how they could be put into practice. In addition, the SciTeach Center staff will work with teachers and educators to assemble the necessary material for their teaching. 
Discover the diverse offer of material kits, books and other resources and try it out right away!

When and where? 

Every first Tuesday of the month, always from 2 PM to 5 PM. 

6 February 2018
6 March 2018
3 May 2018 (Attention! Thursday)
5 June 2018
3 July 2018


SciTeach Center
Maison du Savoir, Atelier 4.550
Universität Luxemburg
Campus Belval
2, Avenue de l’Université

About the SciTeach Center

The SciTeach Center at the University of Luxembourg an initiative of the Luxembourg Research Fund (FNR), the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Education, and the University of Luxembourg, was started in 2016 under the direction of Professor Dr. Christina Siry and aims to develop a sustainable science-teacher network for Luxembourg.

This network consists of several key resources including a growing program of teacher professional development workshops for preservice and in-service teachers, and an extensive materials library. Any and all educators in Luxembourg are invited and encouraged to visit, and to borrow materials ranging from informational books, science kits, to pedagogical resources, to use with their primary-school classes. 

Contact and information

The SciTeach collaborators are of course also available outside the Science on Tuesday Events: 

Dr. Sara Wilmes
Research assistant
Applied Educational Sciences
Campus Belval
University of Luxembourg 

Opening hours: MO - FR 09:00 - 11:30 und 14:00 - 17:00

Video about the SciTeach Center: 

Facebook Page of the SciTeach Center:

Author: SciTeach Center
Photo: SciTeach Center

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