Pablo Aguado’s research work focuses on the analysis of high-pressure Diesel injection in internal combustion engines.

Pablo Aguado's research work focuses on the analysis of high-pressure Diesel injection in internal combustion engines. The idea is to develop and apply numerical models in order to simulate the injection process, providing new understanding of the flow behavior. "This knowledge is essential to understand the impact of injector design and operating conditions on combustion efficiency and emissions", says Pablo. Nowadays, computational tools are extremely useful to decrease the amount of experimental work needed during the development and support of a product, and can be very useful to predict the performance of future injector designs. 

With the help of Pablo's model, take a look at what happens inside such an injector in the video.  

Author: Michele Weber, Jean-Paul Bertemes (FNR)
Video: MOAST




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646374.



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