The sciPADs project: Creative inquiries with tablet-cloud systems in elementary science education
The SnT-based sciPADs project (2012-2015) investigates the impact of tablet-cloud systems on learning in elementary science education. The research pays particular attention to the ways digital devices, coupled with a series of learner-centred pedagogical choices, enhance the dynamics of creative inquiry processes in the classroom thanks to their potential to a) gather own data, b) facilitate the creation of multimodal and multimedia student productions, c) back interactive forms of collaborative learning.
The project collaborates with 4 fundamental schools that have been equipped with sets of 20 tablets, Wi-Fi access and internal clouds. The clouds offer the possibility to upload students’ data from the devices, share resources among actors and access students’ productions within and beyond the classroom.
This video shows a selection of classroom activities, which highlight
- student-led explorations and explanations of science topics,
- the creation of multimodal student productions
- the development of digital literacy skills (media & ICT).
The sciPADs project is conducted by Prof. Dr. Charles Max, Nathalie Hack & Ju youn Song.
For more information about the project, go to:
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