Visuel of the competition 2025

The Luxembourg Space Agency is organising the second edition of its competition for teenagers, giving them the chance to take part in a zero-gravity flight and become an ambassador for space in Luxembourg.
The various stages of the competition are based on the selection process for professional astronauts used by space agencies around the world. The competition will include tests of logic and physical aptitude, to be held between March and July 2025. At the end of the selection process, 10 finalists will be chosen to take part in the weightlessness flight on 15 October 2025 and become space ambassadors for a year.
To take part, teenagers must be at least 13 years old (on the day of the flight) and be a pupil at a Luxembourg school for the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 school years.
Registration is free and open until 14 March on the website.
An online information session in French and English will be held on 7 March 2025 at 12 noon. Registration via this link.
The competition is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth and the Ministry of Sport.

Author: Luxembourg Space Agency
Editor: Michèle Weber (FNR)


Maud Marocki
Communication & Talent Development Officer 
Mobile : +352 621 578 370
E-mail :

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