Coronavirus (edited)

Find the link to the survey in the article.

In the next few weeks the first vaccines will be approved and then distributed. Once the vaccine for Covid-19 is approved and provided, how likely is it that you will get vaccinated? How do you feel about vaccine communication?

We carried out a survey on this subject in collaboration with researchers from Luxembourg.

The survey is anonymous and takes less than 2 minutes to complete.

Here is the link to the survey:

The results allow us to understand the public's perception of coronavirus vaccines and also to understand how you rate communication on the topic. Do you generally feel well informed about vaccination? Do you think that information is being communicated correctly and transparently? On which aspects would you like more communication? After the survey is over, we will publish the results here on - and, as far as possible, respond to suggestions for communication with other articles.

You are asked to indicate your age, gender and nationality, but no other personal data is requested.

Results of the survey can be transmitted to research institutions, statistical offices and ministries in Luxembourg for analysis.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and you may refuse to do so. However, we would really value your support as findings will provide invaluable information.

Many thanks for your participation!

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