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Be part of a research project in economics and social sciences by participating in interactive experimental games at the LISER-LAB in Esch-Belval.

What is the LISER-LAB? 

LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research has established a laboratory for economic experiments, called the LISER-LAB (LABoratory for experimentation in social sciences). This laboratory provides a structure to perform experimental games in a controlled environment. It is a room equipped with networked computers that provides quick and easy information exchange.

Participants are installed in individual spaces to be physically isolated in order to guarantee the anonymity of decisions and prevent collusive behaviour impossible to control. They respond to an interactive questionnaire on a computer.

This infrastructure allows to conduct experiments and evaluations on choices and behaviours of individuals or groups. Participant responses are collected and then processed and analysed using specialized software. The results from these experiments are used for scientific publications.

Besides the expected benefits in terms of research, LISER has a real support tool for analysis and decision-making appropriate for policy-makers and firms, as it becomes possible to assess, at lower cost and in controlled conditions, the implications of specific policies.

How to participate? 

To conduct their experiments, the LISER researchers need voluntary participants. Participants are generally paid  from 5 to 25 euros for 1 to 2 hours of experiment; remuneration rules are specific to each experiment.

Participation does not require particular knowledge in economics. Registration is opened to everyone. Invitations will be sent to registered participants. For more info and to register, click here

Author: LISER
Photo: LISER

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