(C) LuxDoc

Come and see local and international talents presenting science that is easy to understand, live on stage!

On Thursday 17th November 2016, Luxembourg's Young Researchers' Association Luxdoc asbl is organising the 4th edition of their Science Slam at Utopolis Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette. 

What is a Science Slam? 

A Science Slam is similar to a classical poetry slam with the difference that the content of the various presentations is of an academic nature and must be part of an ongoing PhD dissertation or other academic research. Performers have 10 minutes on stage to present their science in an entertaining way that is easy to understand, and are then judged by the audience. 

International and local slammers

The 'slammers' at this year's event will be a combination of local young scientists from the research community in Luxembourg and internationally recognised science slammers.

The invited slammer is Dr Dong-Seon Chang, a German neuroscientist, author and science slammer from Korean origin. He is the national winner of the German Science Slam Competition in 2014, and FameLab Germany 2015. He was also finalist of the world-biggest scienct communication competition FameLab International 2015. He is an enthusiastic science communicator and loves to illustrate latest scientific findings from neuroscience easily understandable on stage.

He currently works as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, and has a position of an Executive Associate at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Disease in Bonn. His recent German Book "Mein Hirn hat seinen eigenen Kopf: Wie wir andere und uns selbst wahrnehmen" appeared at Rowohlt Verlag and became Spiegel Bestseller in Germany. He also has regular appearances on TV and Radio, including Markus Lanz, Bettina Bommes, and WDR Funkhaus Europa.

Details about the event and registration

When? Thursday 17th November 2016. Start at 6PM. 
Where? Utopolis Belval, 7 avenue du Rock'n Roll, 4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
Moderation: Simon Hauser 
Entry: 5 EUR (LuxDoc members enter for free)
Food and drinks will be served for free after the event.

Please note that places are limited and will be attributed on a first come first served basis. So hurry up! Confirm your participation for the Science Slam at events@luxdoc.org

Facebook Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/181555748915625/

Author: LuxDoc

Photo: LuxDoc

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