Friday 20 January 2017 was the Opening of the exhibition "WiSE Women - Women in Science and Engineering in Luxembourg" at the Cité bibliothèque of Luxembourg City. The exhibition is organised by the Ville de Luxembourg in collaboration with the Luxembourg Research Fund and the Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg.
Open to the public from 20 January to 11 February 2017, the exhibution presents the scientific projects and professional careers of a selection of 12 female scientists and engineers working in public and private research institutions in Luxembourg: Julie Distel (IEE), Sandra Domagala (DuPont), Nathalie Valle (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), Pascale Engel de Abreu, Claudine Kirsch, Conchita D’Ambrosio, Mahulena Hofmann, Patrice Caire, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Ines Thiele (all University of Luxembourg), Conny Mathay (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) and Simone Niclou (Luxembourg Institute of Health).
The portraits of the researchers originate from science.lu.
A variety of fascinating research domains
The research domains of the women are equally diverse and fascinating, ranging from engineering and material sciences to education, artificial intelligence, (micro)biology, bioinformatics, oncology, product management, economy and developmental psychology.
In line with the equality policy of the Ville de Luxembourg, "WiSE Women" aims on the one hand to increase the visibility of women in all domains of society and to highlight the importance of the promotion of women in research, and on the other hand to draw the attention of society to the inequalities that still exist today between genders.
Details of the exhibition
Cité Bibliothèque, 3, rue Genistre, L-1623 Luxembourg
Free entry; Languages: German and French.
Tuesday to Friday: from 10 AM to 7PM
Saturday: from 10 AM to 6PM
Sunday and Monday: closed
Colloquium: WiSE - How can Luxembourg do better?
After the closing of the exhibition, a colloquium will be organised on Monday 13 February at 7PM at the Tramsschapp (Limpertsberg): WiSE - How can Luxembourg do better? (in English)
Three panels of scientists will talk about their experience and identify the key issues together with specialists and the public. How can maternity and mobility be combined? How can we motivate younger generations? How can we create an environment that is stimulating for all?
More infos on the colloquium, panel members and registration via this link. Attendance is free but please RSVP via this link.